Monday, April 10, 2006

Tru Pimpin' (Things I think about as I walk across campus)

(Icy Hot!)*

Is there anything more ghetto than a rich white kid in his dad's Chevy four-door blaring rap music? 'Cos if there is, I'd like to see it.

Why does the girl handing out blood drive fliers look like a vampire? It kind of creeps me out. "Come to ze library lawn und give blooooood! Hear ze children of ze night - vot beautiful music zey make!"

Why do people walk out in the street when they're 10 feet from a crosswalk? Are they going to be late for class if they don't save that extra 2.27 seconds? And why did that one blonde girl flag the bus down 15 feet before it got to the bus stop? It's not like she was running for the stop, either - she was just wandering along in the other direction and suddenly thought "A bus going the opposite direction! Just what I was looking for!"

Should I be concerned that they're gradually blocking all the entrnces to campus? Is the next step the one where we build a wall around the place, and then we all drink the kool-aid and get on the flying saucer?

*If you know the Stuntaz, you should get the reference.


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